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Thursday, July 24, 2008

bookmarks daily 07/24/2008

  • the interface really cool. i admire the authorship very much. its common but so handy, as to publish by common people equipped with any realm knowledge. i claimed my knol at https://knol.google.com/k/ben-zhu/china-democracy/fr65rgdtqbpx/2# , in title "China Democracy" and embodied my bio details. hope i can see ur comments or review there.

    tags: google, knol, China, democracy, knowledge, common

    • Share Your Expertise in Google's Knol
  • its quite far sighted. it can help google adding end users' contribution to news generated by large media and its elite editorials. i like the idea and would like to join the users of google news.

    tags: digg, google, news

    • The Unlikely Integration Between Google News and Digg

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

bookmarks daily 07/23/2008

  • its so nice and i waited for it for some times. now i have 2 custom subdomain at http://wiki.be21zh.org for my site be21zh, bring China abreast 21Century, and http://chinad.be21zh.org for my site China Democracy, other sites in be21zh.org list below with their new url:
    http://love.be21zh.org for site benzyrnill, set to fly
    http://home.be21zh.org for site faezrland, fatherland under angels' feather
    http://zhu.be21zh.org for site zhudajiu朱大九,龙泉之眼

    tags: google, google sites, custom, domain, be21zh.org

  • tags: no_tag

    • Map a site to a specific URL
  • i like vodpod very much, its easy to create ur channels and its functions constantly updating. hope it properous even more. glad to see its becoming more sociable.

    tags: vodpod, video, playlist, podcast

    • These are people who have video collections that are similar to yours — try following a few, it’s a fun way to track what they’re adding and you might see some cool new videos.