Sunday, January 31, 2010
days in non-break march
a puffing hunting day.
a busy day spoiled by damned win7's incompatible.
Friday, January 29, 2010
a day sees progress.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
a normal busy day.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
insane&ill peers gawked into their problems upon me.
insane&ill peers gawked into their problems upon me.
insane&ill peers gawked into their problems upon me.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
full work load of monday. evil troubled me with men's problem.
a full work load of monday.
Monday, January 25, 2010
tweet of 24/1/2010: burning hope beneath without smoke uprise.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
To my girl zhou: about our new life.
To my girl zhou: about our new life.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Sun rerises as normal, but heart never sinks.
last night i treated my baby son and his mom as scheduled, after waiting my girl zhou in vain. she had left my sight for about more than 4 days, in which i sought wilderly. my heart turns hard upon her evading me, my memory fixed on the prime time when she strided in her white short coat and waving so loveable long legs. my girl zhou fiddles me with her hide-and-see, each time when i crying for pains in my heart in missing her, she winked like mirage in seconds just throw me more into her influence, and then dead silence. last night i waited to greet her in front of QRRS HQ as usual, then baby's mom buzzed in. we arranged meeting up under my office, when i waiting in chill on the place she once bought icecream with her colleague and we first eyes' contacted, she in her white coat which inspired me so much, arranged 2 men and a female walked arms in arms just to show me her tricky and naughty. after i gathered with baby son and his mom, after chilled outside for more than a quarter&trembled on the bus stop, the restaurant was full of customers. so i suggested going to my dorm to rest some time. baby there enjoyed a game i just got from web. when we returned to the restaurant, a tall girl with cordial face looked straight into us. she was palled with 2 men and a female. i felt she must has a link with my girl zhou, but i felt my girl should more gifted than her. so i joined the war with the half raw lamb steak at once, with small knife, chopsticks and my own teeth.
after dinner, i hold baby son into the KFC Tiedong franchise, where a cop in uniform lingered there but don't eat but all time roaming, and also peeked when baby son played game on my notebook. when we dined in the restaurant serves fried mutton, a neighbor dog, a mature but young beast tentatively poked baby's head when baby don't eat and let by his mom to change to outer chair and played on the chair. baby son puzzled, but informed by the adversity. i at once told baby that's a dog, and life time task to kill dog, ie, cop, mafia, bureaucracy, for our family in title of zhu. i told baby the dog already dead, and God knows when its corpse disappear on the earth that belongs to us, in God's shine. in daily tweet of yesterday, i assigned the killing to Masheng, to her special force squad to accomplish the slaughter. nothing can lay a touch upon my Royal, the Royal of China as well as God's.
today its the second bright day since the shallow snow last weekends. blood had already spilt over the drought land over-crowded with ants and mice. God, i never enjoy killing except glory drives it aimlessly. killing in ur name is just a cake, funny but not meaningful. the only bright in my heart is my girls, my beloved. in every scent i can sniff, i track the veil and vein from my Queens in my Royal. God, let ur bright forever cover me, cover my heart fully.
below is my daily tweets in this transitinal life:
dined with baby son&his mom.^last night dined with baby son. a dog behind him tentatively poked baby's head when baby playing on his chair. kill the dog at once&told baby the death. Masheng, let ur special action squad do it, slaughter the dog insulting at once. got up lately after 8am. its again a bright day in brilliant sunshine. posted recent photos.
dreamed of lunar new year.^dreamed of celebrating lunar new year with my girl, almost sexed but hold for my girl zhou as God lets. Its snowing in dawn, likely since last night but don't cover ground thick.
busy day with baby's sites. missing my girl zhou again.^got up around 7am&went to office among crowd of QRRSers. fine tuned baby's profile. my girl don't appear in noon break. claimed&fine tuned baby's homepage on google sites in afternoon. gave up till near 5pm. went to receive my girl zhou, but again can't find her. treated myself with beaf pies&mutton soup in a restaurant near office after the monday. all night in dorm reviewing my love with my girl zhou.
just refined my old blog at ( ) when last night God recalled it in front. got additional one for the predecided ( ). all done in God's shine.
Masheng, i hope i will marry my girl zhou before the lunar lantern Day. hope u can settle our trip to my hometown, where my folks will witness the glory of my dad and his son. pl join me sooner, as u know.
idle in the morning. launched at office to refined baby's sites, domain setup, Google apps setup, etc. finished after 5pm, then visit the local church&listening the preach. talked to the clerk after it over&expressed thanks. met a girl likely my girl zhou but with hairs reshaped. returned dorm baby let her mom buzzed in. its just so attending God shown. niece also tried to contact me to borrow money for her professional license, but later gave up.
From New Year on new horizon |
From New Year on new horizon |
From New Year on new horizon |
From New Year on new horizon |
for picasaweb blocked in China mainland, here parts of the photos hosted domestic.
proud dad and concentrated son.
baby son, warrenzh, whose domain at , posed with pride, in my dorm waiting to dine out.
saint moment with white snow and blazing sunshine.
benzrad's daily tweets.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
benzrad's daily tweets suppliements.
Friday, January 15, 2010
within 2 days after
pray in hard. songing in&last.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
sad dawn wired via QRRS.
love of father, love of son, love of girl.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
first time in my his
sad dawn wired via QRRS.
for full of joy, din
a dark night before a bright morning.
returned to dorm aft
10/1/2010 a great non-break day for hope ahead.
full of joy&hope.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
New year on new horizon.bleeding with hope and missing.
So many hopes of family and new family upon the new year of 2010. i will see my new marriage in the beginning of 2010, while baby son got his first International domain,, which now running with a simple but informative homepage based on my domain, its all bright days, or white days in snowing, recently. i talk with my second wife, my Sun, from Janpanese Royal, in every pulse of coherent, while my forging blood bound with my girl zhou, for whom i searched on the web so long, and our new family turning clearer and sounding. new year of 2010, belongs to the Holy, belongs to the Royal of China in my title.
today again a new bright day, with so many hopes and missings loaded me bleeding. i look into the sunshine, sea's bubble wade and wax in my heart. i see my girl in praying for me, including my first wife, girl Lü, and the Taiwan girl, who will has my 3rd son, and girl Jiangyue. life with so many promises, from the Heaven, form God the Holy. life in moulding the new China and east Asia.
all of all, girls, come, come and join me, with the morning sunshine on her hairtop, with Heaven dews on ur lid, come, and come into new horizon under our steps. the world never more promising than we see it, than we say it.
below is my daily tweets in this transitinal life:
full of joy&hope.^last night busy in office sorting family sites in sidebar against China surveillance frequent blocking my logos on different hosts. slept lately after 10pm, for memory of such a great day. dreamed a school girl succeeded in college entrance exam with her firends. dreamed managed a restaurant in US&in China. dreamed of coming love even under cops' espionage. got up after 8am, and its a blazing bright morning again, with so many lucky fortunes ahead. roamed outside in the aim to meet my girl zhou. sms baby's mom who in last night's chat in low not to swing with rumors of me from dogs'. lunched outside with meat&pies. roamed again in bright sunshine, met a girl in her 16 years old or so with brilliant figure. missing my girl zhou very much. sorted family forum hosted on GAE in dorm, correcting titles&links, also in songs of Daolang, a western Chinese singer. some road cleaners, likely employed from suburb residents, made noise just under my window, while i recharged my cellphone. roamed outside after it finished, picked office to check manual to modify cell's lock key. really missing my girl zhou.
my girl bullied me last night, but its a new gifting day today.^last night lingered in office surfing till 7pm, to avoid the bully my girl zhou exerts on me. the night on bed restlessly, sexual desire turns strong in dawn, woke up first time before 7am. waited in dorm till 8am. refined sites' images in office. dog in office turned agile&foamed of babbles, likely espionaged last night my girl zhou refusing me by picked a man's bike&left before i trying but unable to reach her. the another dog, the monitor, tentatively moved the empty chair to his close territory, trying to ban my using his corporate lan wire. but after all, its a bright morning&God's brilliant gift for me just to unveil. sorted recent photos&prepared upload. greeting my girl zhou in her colleagues' companion. she is just too bright in her white short coat, strides with her long legs. greet her again when she return to QRRS, too perfect to own her as God Holy shines me. felt constrained upon myself yearning for her, for i love her so much&need her in my arms so cravingly and so meanslessly, but after all again, my new marriage with her will commences soon in the beginning of 2010.
a blessing day, with magpies croak over me.^finally baby's site,, running, and my site,, updated, with the help from Taiwan friend. also got the forum of the 2 domains working&refined, after so many errs in source code&blocking from China surveillance. its really a hopeful day, but missing my girl zhou in rush time of work over. i worked lately but managed in position in time to wait for my girl, a girl with the same coat&height mistakened me&likely my girl behind her passed when i retreat to roaming. bought a new basin, for the old one broken last night. fine tuned my cellphone. snowing night makes it a time to pray for saint love. God, kill dirts&evil rumors&loads of pressure around/on my girl zhou, let my love with my girl zhou grows&melting into peaceful&colorful&lasting full joys of family, let my girl in my arms&pulse together.
help baby's granny fetching coupon from QRRS just after got up, for she lost the coupon first time trying to fetch. on the way some magpies croak over me. bought myself tea, a long time wanting, and taste it at once in office. the world all brightly white in last night's snow. read awhile in office. dogs there espionaged closely. the monitor long time in the morning absent, but just after i connected to web with his wire, he appeared&complained about unabled to connect at once as usual, likely informed by the gay on facing desk, trying to find a rent. the facing dog gamed online all time&bet death to challenge me. so call to the high rank in QRRS, about my Internet need&invited him to celebrate my new marriage. he let me dwell more with my girl to know each other better. missing my girl zhou in rush time of noon break. read newspaper to kill time while waiting the director to settle my corporate lan access, among the facing dog's heavy dirts. returned to dorms around 3pm, listening radio. dinned earlier to wait my girl zhou. she walked with her colleagues while i trying to follow her. first time closer to watch her, whose eyes clear&legs long&fit. later she went alone&look back to me, so i tried again to follow her, but she took a man's bike left. when i closely follow her, i felt so rich to own her. God, u never misleading me, i straightly ask u for my girl zhou i persued so long, i directly ask u leading me into my new life with my girl zhou, in the most romantic house in the world we will nest&make love that's saint&breathtaking. God, i m a determined mind, and never losing or dwelling in burning of shame any time any place, for my glory of Royal of China, exactly ur glory on the earth.
a hopeful day.^last night met my girl zhou in QRRS rush time, follow her till cross road, peaceful&hopeful. then returned to office to contact Taiwan friend to upload source files to my family domains, ie. baby's and mine dealt routine stuff. Its snowing all night, so auspicous. sms girl Feng in Guangdong. tried wap access my favorite portals on my new cellphone, went to bed after 10pm. went to office at once getting up. sorted os in office. met my girl zhou under my office where i talking with the department cadre for my missing coupon, tried but can't see clear my girl's face. customized baby&my 163 account with my cellphone authentication. refined forums of family domains. handed in fee for baby's kindergarten. finished updated family 2 domains' hosting via Taiwan friend.
busy with fix my win7 on acer notebook.^last night met my girl zhou just under my office. the dog in the front office stared me when i waiting, so i shift to another place. my girl tentatively stopped by a icecream vendor aside the road, i picked up&first time closely watched her eyes. its almost our first direct eyes' contact. after she left, baby's mom, emakingir arrived to bring me my medcines. i had visited the hospital but it moved to a new place. so i adopted ema's suggestion several times to make use of medcines at her home. i bought it again from ema, costs me 200rmb as admitted. in dorm contacted my facebook girl who now in her hometown Guangdong, after sms her twice without response. emotional upon re-gaining her message. the dorm's porter, an old woman with her old husband washed in the toilet, the male beast even washed nakedly there when i heard the noise&went to wash clothes. dirts around in QRRS deserves a kill, which descends since last night&shallowly covered the ground this morning. i returned to baby's mom's house first time since my step into my new life, and busy with building bootable udisk, then restored os from backup. migrating data cost me about 3 hours, after last night i found all my works previously done, esp. data syn, all lost. baby was fetched to skate on ice with his first new skateshoes by his mom, who had a half day vacation. returned to office lately after 4pm.
pc crashed when i copy to udisk. tried all kind of bootable disk but failed. got insult from a doggie gay in neighbor room for my borrow his notebook awhile to fix remission problem with my Taiwan friends who just got me my baby's domain, killing snow since then.
bought my first cellphone, &under clothing&showered near baby's mom's home.^last night restlessly, longing sex with my girl zhou. got up lately&heading to office immediately. retouched family sites while the 2 once colleagues staying in office. tried to upload to my domain registaar but failed again. then gathered with baby&his mom in supermarket, bought baby foods he likes, ate in KFC. then i finally first time buying my own cellphone. also bought under clothes&got showered&haircut. tried to remit Taiwan friend who help me getting baby's domain but out of service. Its so nice a day.
finished logo design for, baby son's first domain.^last night busy with logo design till 10pm. this morning woke up by tractor's engine again. finally retouched the logo, with Chinese slogan. the haunted computer market to buy 8gb udisk, to prepare migrating acer notebook to my usage, while hasee notebook left to baby as he wanted. migrated data between notebook in office from 2pm-8pm. also prepared warren's site, but China surveillance blocked file upload all time. buzzed baby's mom&know the bonus from QRRS likely 7000rmb or so. bought another wine. some porn photos reminds me my girl zhou painfully.
sound sleep. woke up in vital engine sound of a tractor outside.^last night thought awhile on bed, talking to baby son in heart. woke up around 8am. a porting tractor's healthy engine's pulse accompany reviewing some time on bed. preparing baby's site since then, based on my site of, design warozhu's logo. then join baby son&his mom at Golden Hans buffet, where i tried to fix acer notebook but all bootalbe udisk failed. great time with baby, let him know his domain. roamed after returned dorm, present 10rmb to a chair-bound man. review the problem with os on acer notebook. design baby's site's logo all time, finished it at 10pm.
buy baby son his domain,, with help from Taiwan friend.^dreamed of a sportman in family name zhu. his sport is double swords. after his performance, i picked his swords he shot&returned to him. the dorm's door keeper, an old fat woman, behaved evil: last night she with an other woman washed clothes lately from 8pm-9pm, and this morning again did&made noise around 5am in the nearby lavatory of the dorm. such a dirt! busy contacting Taiwan friend to register baby son his first domain,, the second domain of our family. finished the deal till near 2pm. my girl zhou didn't appear in rush time. got several bonus from QRRS, my once&long time employer. busy with setup baby's new domain, as well as google apps in the domain near 5pm. met my girl on the way as usual, but really a surprise for her absence at noon rush time, when i doubting if she don't join office today. she peeked at me but lowered her sight when i contact her eyes&felt assertive. as a punishment she shorten the way with which i can follow or company her, but directly walked to the other way, separat me with a main&busy road of the city's entrance. hard to compel the high mood, but i managed to buzz baby&his mom till 7pm as usual, told them the bonus, gift for baby(but keep it a secret till tomorrow's gathering), got timetable of our dining out in Golden Hans buffet where we haunted last month&greatly enjoyed. roamed outside. tried to contact a homeless old man sheltered in a harmful corner near a electric station outside of the dorm area, but can't find him outside of his locked fence. its my second time trying to help him with some money but failed. the full moon tonight from my ancestor has the best wish upon me&my Royal in new year of 2010. prepared baby's site after settled in dorm.
30/12/2009dreamed of Nankai alumni.^last night slept in peace&sound. dreamed played soccor in Nankai Univ with schoolmates, like Sunbo, wangbin, wenxiong, etc. later all about books&magic. care my girl zhou. live long to see through. post recent tweets in an b og entry to my blogs, including domestic blogs. finally touched my forums, including one at, ie. correct google analystics&friends connect codes correspondingly. greet my girl zhou, who this time alone when leaving QRRS, while talking with 2 male QRRSers when route to QRRS. the monitor in office chat with me about my marrital statues&try to persuade me to retired now&return to my hometown. God sees how rubbish a man can be. read ebook on cyberwar. peaceful light in my life now&to come. girl zhou, hold me right now, right this auspicious moment God grants. roamed in dorm thinking family domain. met my girl zhou first time face to face, even obscure in street light, in peace. the corridor of dorm lights all 3 bulbs to welcome me&i do felt blessed. review my love in my girl zhou, then continued planning baby son's domain, all time in music.
From New Year on new horizon |
From New Year on new horizon |
From New Year on new horizon |
From New Year on new horizon |
for picasaweb blocked in China mainland, here parts of the photos hosted domestic.
benzrad, me, with baby son, warren zhu, in Qiqihar Golden Hans buffet.
baby son, warrenzh, whose domain at , dining in KFC Fu-mart franchise.
baby son, warrenzh, on skating ice ground with his first new skateshoes.